

++++++++++++            I.            M.            N.




    Beauty is in everything but not everyone can see it.


YEAR IN REVIEW @ yearinreview.htm

Not to blog, not to write about Life as a Dog. Here it is, in a nutshell. The start was a shock, moving, but it was a safe one. As much soup and salad as humanly possible, and a kind, gentle, older couple. Then, ten day trial that I shot all to pieces with my mouth. I learned some things first. Most is in the check out lane, the gas pump, and looking in the mirror... At the checkout lane: if someone is buying three dollars worth of food, buy it. If someone's card is declined, buy it. If someone looks like they just lost their family, they did. Help. If you look homeless, have a three penny beard, your produce at the produce stand is deeply discounted. If your pastor, or your friend, or both is drunk at the check out lane, pray for them, skip the paying. When you hear a still small voice at the pump, give the twenty dollars away: "God told me to give you this." Stunning response: "You have no idea how much I needed this."

Other people's smiles: E. "yup, a badger hole"; E. so many, usually on the way somewhere; E. I don't remember, a lot around friends. I miss her so. There was a song, many years ago. I never told her what it meant. It is Good Night, Elizabeth. It is about breaking up, breaking it off. I asked, that was back when you could. I emailed the very cool base player, Creegan??, Elizabeth is the generic name for girlfriend. I remember seeing her before we met, on the arm of another guy. I remember listening to that song on the golf course earlier that day. She was with another man, and he was with both of them. I remember thinking how odd it was, seeing them like that. I remember her. I stared. A few years later, she told me about him. About how he threw her away. I would do that too. Never throw away the one you love. Never. This year I drove three hours to ask one question: why? M. answered, and my suspicions are correct, God, that's why. He said something I will never forget: she's worth it. And he's right. She is.

Then for the weird stuff in one two three order: I live in a cabin set up by a friend who walks her dog Diggy when I walk our dog Reggie. I am still not employable skilled. Her friend sets me up at a janitor job and it happens to be ran by Allen (correct spelling, I won't say why that is important, but it is) who is the trainer / manager of a teaching medical surgical facility. He asks, "if there's anything you need, let me know" though I'm a janitor, with two degrees. Anything I need... He was offering more than janitor work. A decade ago, I could have been a corporate trainer for Komatsu.

The four Dannys: Here and back... Dan C. Long last hike, Along comes a heart case. "I see much pain in your eyes, struggle." Name? Another Danny. The 3-D Pine Mountain Hiking Club. Linda saw me looking homeless, and sold produce, for less, and less, and less. Pretty soon, a basket of fresh produce, and jam, that should be in the dozens, is under ten, and a basket to boot. A while after, her husband introduced himself. Danny. Then, days after, he had a heart attack in his sleep. More than just produce. I still pray for her. She is sweet. Danny three is an odd circumstance: I'm about to be homeless for a good long while thanks to my mouth proceeding my body. So I don't want to sell beer. Fresh out of prison, Danny. "Selling beer's not so bad, selling other stuff..." The last Danny said the wisest thing I have heard. He has been echoed by Tim, Scott, another Scott, Toby, David, Doug, Ed, the other Ed, and the other Ed, and also, Gary, Garry, and even another oddly spelled Garry, and that is: don't give up. Never give up. Keep trying. Oddly, every woman and girl has said, "throw in the towel". I finally stopped asking. God is slow. Or, maybe, I'm in a rush. I would tend to think the latter. I leave off with this: She's worth it. You know, Michael, you are right, she is. Year in Review