




Steve @ goodgrantpageblueindex.html

Remember that movie?  Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs?  Steve! said the talking, monkey, was it?  Or was it, talking dog?

  Anyhow, this is an intended letter for how it should have went: circa forty-six hours ago:

Backstory: numbers of years of pastor-parishioner not getting along; numbers of years of husband-wife strongly not moving forward

together; a year of church arranged separation; numbers of years of pastor including the death of his parent by sickness as he was still a teen, being,

as he puts it, a defining moment in his life.

- pastor's office: pastor; author; another; pastor initially very, notably, and curtly, angry; self-described as righteous anger.

"at one point, we were talking. We talked for four months in this office, and that ended...."  [ many other things said ]

If I had known then: author could have responded {solemnly, with compassion}

"Is that what this is about?  Steve, the downtrodden heart, the hurt, picking up where your mom left off.  What is her name?  Picking up where she left off.

Dancing with Our Father now. She did so much, you can rest, Steve.  She cared for you with only the strength that I gave her.  I finish. 

Admirable, you care for so many in love, and great passion, but also at a heavy heart.  Rest, Steve, let the broad shoulders of Our Lord bear the weight of so many. 


t.i.m.n.  Trialing Kindness.

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